Hi! I'm Alexis - owner and designer of all things Parsley & Valentine and #flowerpower

A Little About Me
My life revolves around 5 things (in no specific order):
My "land seal" AKA Blue Pitbull, Marleigh
My kitty awkwardly named "Kitty"
My Hubby of 11 years and BFFFL (Best Freakin Friend For Lyfe)
And My Mother Earth
Being a florist has been a saving grace for my mind, body, spirit and heart. I like long walks on a beach... oh wait... I'm a Coloradan! JK! I love a good hike in the mountains and am mostly seen in chacos all year long. In fact, Hubby and I have a long standing challenge of who can get the best chaco tan line of the year. He's lucky to be on the river fishing more than I can, so I usually falter. I value a Sunday of Netflix binging and cooking something new at least once a week. I see floral inspiration in pretty much everything; branches swinging just the right way, new blooms popping from the earth, a tree or shrub that would make some killer greenery, a bird and the color of his feathers, or even the texture of a painting. In other words - OBSESSED

My Floral Style
Years ago, I would bring home grocery store flowers, place them somewhat intentionally in whatever vase I had at home and enjoy for a few days. Then I would pick the dead blooms, replace the water and BAM have a whole new arrangement! I would repeat this process until the very last crunchy bloom or greenery was left. I felt rewarded as I made a $15.00 bouquet last for 3 weeks and I knew that having flowers in my home to bless the space was important to my rituals.
I've always had a romantic relationship with flowers. I see love in the way bees pollinate the blooms I adore so much. I see love in reflection of my creativity blossoming in my design. I see love in the relationships I build in the industry and with my clients.
Considering myself as a perpetual learner, I explore a lot of different styles of floral arranging. I'll never say no to designing outside of the box, designing on trend or designing a classic style. I want to be your floral guru! I can't wait to share the incredible journey I'm on with all of you. Please keep in touch and be a part of the journey with me.
Love always,
#firstblog #blogyeah #coloradoflorist #denverflorist #littletonflorist #lakewoodflorist #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #womanowned #womanownedbusiness #florist #flowerpower #flowers #aboutme #profile #floraldesigner #designer #lifeisgood #happiness #grateful #gratitude #happy #killerheadshots #flowerlife #flowersmakemehappy #flowerlover #flowerart #flowermagic #blooooms #inspiredbypetals #flowershop #floristry #allthingscolorado #coloradical #floralobsessed